What you see

What it means
CE4 certification means the product complies with in-house standards, whereas York’s CE2+ certification means that York’s plywood products comply with internationally recognised requirements and can be exported to Europe.
York’s plywood products and quality system are audited annually to maintain the certification. Product inspections are also conducted on a monthly basis by SATAS to ensure compliance to the international standards. Quality tests are conducted onsite and verified by independent, external authorities.
What you see

York holds the following FSC certificates:
- SA-FM/COC-012730
Licence No. FSC-C002336: Forest Management - SA-COC-008255 and SA-CW-008255
Licence No. FSC-C104269: Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood - SA-COC-010296
Licence No. FSC-C010387: Plywood Mill - SA-COC-010328
Licence No. FSC-C168187: Sawmills Multi-site
What it means
This means that our timber was grown on a sustainable basis and therefore complies with the FSC principles, being:
- Compliance with laws – to comply with all laws, treaties and agreements.
- Workers’ rights and employment responsibilities – to maintain or enhance the social and economic well-being of workers.
- Community relations – to contribute to maintaining or enhancing the social and economic well-being of local communities.
- Benefits from the forest – to efficiently manage the range of multiple products and services of the management unit to maintain or enhance long term economic viability and the range of social and environmental benefits.
- Environmental impact – to maintain, conserve or restore ecosystem services and environmental values of the management unit while avoiding, repairing or mitigating negative environmental impacts.
- Management planning – to implement a management plan and keep it up to date based on monitoring and adaptive management to guide staff, inform interested stakeholders and to justify management decisions.
- Monitoring and assessment – to demonstrate progress towards management objectives and adapt management activities when required.
- Implementation of management activities – to implement management activities in line with our economic, environmental and social policies while complying with all FSC Principles and Criteria.
What you see

What it means
Plywood products can only be sold in the United States of America if it is TPI (Timber Products Inspection) certified. York’s plywood products can be exported to the United States of America.
Quality inspections are conducted on a quarterly basis. Quality tests are conducted onsite and verified by independent, external authorities.
What you see

What it means
York’s lumber and plywood products meet the requirements of the South African National Standards. Product inspections are also conducted on a monthly basis by SATAS to ensure compliance to the international standards.
Quality tests are conducted onsite and verified by independent, external authorities.